The brutal truth about what angel number 988 means for you

Have you been seeing angel number 988 a lot?

You might be wondering what this special number has in store for you, and you’ve come to the right place.

Here you will find out everything you need to know about angel number 988. I’ll reveal why you keep seeing it, and what it means for life, love and your future.

Let’s go.

What are angel numbers?

Angel numbers are special numbers that appear in your life.

They often appear during moments of transition or change.

Angel numbers can be seen when you are dreaming, during a meditation session, or just out of the blue, for example on your phone, on a billboard, on a clock, etc.

Angel numbers serve as signs from the angels to help you heal or guide you in some way.

They can give you advice, show you the solution to a problem, and much more.

When you see an angel number, pay attention to what you are experiencing at that moment.

Try to figure out if the number is giving you advice or if it is trying to tell you something about your future.

Angel numbers are not meant to scare you, but instead, they are there to comfort and guide you.

What does angel number 988 mean?

Angel number 988 is a sign from the other side that everything is going to be okay.

This is a message from your guardian angels telling you everything will work out.

Angel number 988 is also a sign from your angels that you are on the right track in life.

If angel number 988 keeps showing up in your life, it’s a clear sign that everything is going as it should be. All will be well.

What else could angel number 988 mean?

Angel number 988 can also symbolize:

  • joy
  • love of family and home
  • domestic bliss
  • blissful relationships with others
  • prosperity or abundance of wealth
  • health and happiness

That doesn’t sound too bad, does it?

6 reasons you keep seeing angel number 988

Let’s look at some more specific reasons as to why you keep seeing angel number 988 in your life.

1) You are on the right track

The first reason you are seeing angel number 988 is because you are on the right track.

You should feel good about yourself for making the right decisions in life.

You see, your angels are very proud of you and they want to give you a sign that everything is going well.

The angels want to reassure you that everything is going to be okay, so they send you this special number as a message of love and comfort.

And the best part?

They want to let you know that they are always there for you, so don’t worry.

Everything will work out in the end, just keep following your heart and do the things that make you happy!

2) A significant phase is coming to an end

Another reason you are seeing angel number 988 is because a significant phase of your life is coming to an end.

This means that things in your life are about to change in a big way.

You might be entering into a new chapter of your life.

Or, you might be leaving behind something that has been holding you back from experiencing true happiness.

Either way, you can trust that the angels have sent this angel number to help you get through this time period with ease and grace.

Angel number 988 is there to give you strength and comfort during this time of change.

And the good news?

Even though change is scary, just remember, things always work out for the best!

On that note:

3) You need to let go of something from the past

As one phase of your life is coming to an end, angel number 988 can also signify that you need to let go of something from your past.

Angel number 988 is there to help you release the past so that you can move forward and live in the present.

Your angels want you to be happy, so they are there to make sure that you are living in the present moment.

Angel number 988 is a reminder that it’s time for you to let go of things that no longer serve a purpose in your life.

Sometimes, we hold on to negative emotions from the past way longer than we’d need to.

Letting these things go will make you feel so free, believe me!

In the end, forgiveness is only about you, nobody else.

The angels want you to forgive so that you can move on with your life.

4) You deserve to be happy!

Angel number 988 is telling you that you deserve to be happy and to live a life filled with peace, love, and joy.

They want you to find happiness in all aspects of your life, including your career, family, friends, and relationships.

If you are having a hard time finding happiness, then it’s time to let go of the negative things in your life.

The angels want you to surround yourself with positive people who will lift you up instead of tear you down.

Simply put, the angels want you to live a life where everything is working in your favor.

Angel number 988 means that the angels are always there for you, even when things get tough!

If you feel like giving up, just remember that the angels are always by your side.

5) You need to listen to your intuition more

Another reason why angel number 988 keeps appearing in your life is because you need to listen to your intuition.

This angel number is here to show you that it’s time for you to do some self-reflection and really figure out what the best path forward is for you.

While it’s important to be open-minded and make smart decisions, at the end of the day, your heart knows what’s best for you.

Simply put, angel number 988 wants you to make a decision based on your heart, not your mind.

In our world, it can feel irrational to make a decision based on your intuition and your gut feeling, but trust me, it’s worth it.

If you don’t follow your heart, you will regret it in the long run.

Angel number 988 is a reminder that you need to listen to your heart more often so that you can make better decisions in life.

6) New opportunities are on the horizon

Angel number 988 wants you to know that new opportunities are on the horizon.

You’re about to enter a new phase in your life, so don’t be afraid to take a chance on something.

You see, with the ending of a cycle in your life, a new phase is coming. And every new beginning brings new opportunities.

Angel number 988 is a sign that it’s time for you to take a chance on something new, even if it feels scary.

If you don’t take a chance, then you will never know what could have happened.

Let your intuition guide you forward so that you can make the right decision.

Angel number 988 is here to let you know that the angels are always by your side!

They want to help lift your spirits, so they will do whatever they can to make sure that everything is working in your favor.

The angels want you to focus on what’s most important in life, which is finding balance and living a happy life.

What would a gifted advisor say?

The signs I’m revealing in this article will give you a good idea about angel number 988.

But could you get even more clarity by speaking to a gifted advisor?

Clearly, you have to find someone you can trust. With so many fake experts out there, it’s important to have a pretty good BS detector.

After going through a messy breakup, I recently tried Psychic Source. They provided me with the guidance I needed in life, including who I am meant to be with.

I was actually blown away by how kind, caring, and genuinely helpful they were.

Click here to get your own love reading.

A gifted advisor can not only tell you what this angel number means for you, but they can also reveal all your love possibilities.

What does angel number 988 mean for love?

Angel number 988 wants you to know that it’s time for you to find love again.

It’s okay if things haven’t been going your way in the romance department because angel number 988 is here to remind you that there are still plenty of fish in the sea.

So if you’re feeling lonely, don’t worry!

You will meet someone new soon, and you’ll wonder what took so long!

Angel number 988 wants to tell you that when it comes to love, patience is a virtue. So just be patient and wait for the right person to come into your life.

The angels want you to remember that when it comes down to it, love will always prevail! So don’t lose hope!

And if you’re already in a relationship?

Angel number 988 wants you to understand that if you want something to last forever, then you need to work at it every day of your life.

You can’t just hope for the best and expect things to work out themselves.

There is a common misconception that when two people fit well together, they won’t need to work on having a healthy relationship.

That’s not true at all, every healthy couple needs to put in the work.

The key is being there for your partner, because when two people really love each other, then all they want is the best for each other.

And when you’re in a loving relationship with someone, then angel number 988 reminds you that it’s time to let go of your pride and apologize for any wrongdoings that you have done in the past or present.

This will clean the slate and ensure that you can move forward happily together.

What does angel number 988 mean for soulmates?

The angels want you to know that soulmates will always be there for each other, no matter what.

If you’ve found your soulmate already, you’re very lucky. Angel number 988 shows that your relationship is blessed.

And if you haven’t found your soulmate yet?

Angel number 988 wants you to know that your soulmate has been right in front of you the whole time!

They just needed a little bit of time to grow and mature so they could be ready for the perfect relationship.

Soon, you will meet them.

But how can you find out for certain that a person is your soulmate?

Here’s the thing:

We can spend a lot of time and emotion chasing the wrong person – finding your true soulmate isn’t easy.

But what if there was a way to know for sure?

I’ve just stumbled upon a way to do this… a professional psychic artist who can draw a sketch of what your soulmate looks like.

I wouldn’t normally try something like this, but my friend convinced me to try it out a few weeks ago.

The crazy thing was I recognized him straight away. The sketch was scarily clear and accurate.

If you’re ready to find out what your soulmate looks like, get your own sketch drawn here.

What does angel number 988 mean for twin flames?

If you are with your twin flame, then angel number 988 wants you to know that they are the best person that you could ever be with.

They will never let you down and they will always be there for you because they are your mirror soul.

You’re lucky to have found them and they are lucky to have found you!

However, your relationship might be a bit turbulent at times.

This is because the twin flame relationship is a very intense and passionate relationship.

It’s not the type of relationship that you can take for granted, so you need to make sure that you are always there for your partner.

Angel number 988 wants you to remember that as long as you love each other and work on your relationship every day, then your twin flame will never leave you.

And if you’re still looking for your twin flame?

Angel number 988 wants you to know that your twin flame is out there somewhere.

They’re just waiting for you to be ready so they can come into your life and complete the sacred union.

Now all that’s left for you to do is put yourself out there a little, so that your twin flame can find you.

You can:

  • go out
  • go on dates
  • download a dating app
  • go on a trip
  • join a new club

The more people you are exposed to, the bigger the chance of finding your twin flame!

Does angel number 988 help with the law of attraction?

This is a difficult question to answer, but it is possible that angel number 988 is telling you that the law of attraction is working for you.

The idea behind the law of attraction states that if you visualize something happening, it will happen.

Therefore, if you haven’t already, this number might be informing you to start visualizing yourself achieving your goals.

Manifestation is an incredible tool and once you learn how to use it correctly, you will be blown away.

However, it’s important to remember that the law of attraction is not the only thing that will determine your future.

You still need to take action and make sure that you are working towards achieving your goals.

Think about it: when you’re trying to manifest your dream house but spend your days sitting at home, never looking at any realtor sites or going out to find a house for sale, it will be very hard for the universe to give that house to you, right?

Visualize what you want to achieve and then take the necessary steps towards achieving that goal, knowing that you already have it in your pocket.

What does angel number 988 mean for your career?

Angel number 988 is a sign for you to take care of your financial needs.

The number 9 is the number of material gains, so it’s no surprise that angel number 988 would represent this.

This would be a great time for you to start thinking about your long-term financial goals and how you’re going to achieve them.

If you have been feeling like things are going just okay with work, now might be the time to consider taking steps towards your professional goals or consider starting a new career.

Do you want to start your own business? Get a promotion? Move for work?

Whatever it is, angel number 988 is your sign that the time has come and you should go for it!

Have you seen angel number 988 in a dream? Here’s what that means…

Have you seen angel number 988 in a dream? If so, this could be a sign that there is something you need to know.

Angel number 988 means “you are in alignment with your divine purpose.”

But wait, that’s not all!

Oftentimes when you see this number in a dream or vision, it is the angels telling you that everything will be okay.

You might also see angel number 988 as a message from the angels telling you that someone very close to you is happy and healthy.

Seeing an angel number in a dream is a good sign and it means that you’re very in tune with your spirituality.

Earlier, I mentioned how helpful the advisors at Psychic Source were when I was facing difficulties in life.

Although there’s much we can learn about a situation from articles like this, nothing can truly compare to receiving a personalized reading from a gifted person.

From giving you clarity on the situation to supporting you as you make life-changing decisions, these advisors will empower you to make decisions with confidence.

Click here to get your personalized reading.

What does angel number 988 mean spiritually?

The meaning of angel number 988 is a symbol of guidance.

In other words, this number could be telling you that you need to find guidance in your life.

It could also be telling you that you are on the right path, and everything is going to be okay-which can be an encouraging sign.

In spirituality, the number 9 is associated with the vibration of the divine, so when you see this number in a dream or vision, you may be doing something that is divinely inspired.

What does angel number 988 mean for your health?

Angel number 988 means that it’s time for you to take better care of yourself.

You might have been feeling a bit run down lately and this number could be a sign that there is something going on with your health.

This is especially true if you have recently had some sort of health scare.

Angel number 988 could also be telling you that it’s time to make some positive changes to your general lifestyle.

Or, it could also mean that it’s time for you to start taking better care of your mental health as well as your physical health.

Some things you can try are:

  • moving your body
  • drinking plenty of water
  • eating nutritious food
  • meditating
  • going to therapy
  • journaling
  • spending time outside
  • taking time off social media

These changes will have a massive impact on how you feel, trust me!

What is the numerological meaning of 988?

In numerology, the number 9 is associated with completion, so it’s no surprise that angel number 988 is associated with a sense of completion.

In other words, this number could be telling you that a particular situation in your life is coming to an end.

Or, it could be telling you that something in your life has changed and you need to start living differently.

Whatever the case may be, this number is a symbol of change and transformation, so it’s important to pay attention to what’s going on around you.

The numerological meaning of the number 8 is associated with abundance, and angel number 988 is a reminder of this.

In other words, you need to be open to receiving more abundance in your life.

You might have been overworking or taking on too many responsibilities lately, so be sure to take some time for yourself.

But wait, let me tell you something.

Angel number 988 may also mean that you are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, but don’t worry!

You are not alone.

The angels are trying to protect you from negativity.

They’re also trying to remind you that there’s always a solution to every problem, even if it doesn’t seem that way at first.

It’s time for you to turn your thoughts around and focus on all the positive things in your life.

If you need help with this, try writing down 3 things that make you happy each day.

Then take a moment each night before bed to read through them one more time and feel grateful.

Can seeing angel number 988 be a bad sign?

Seeing a certain number is usually a sign that something significant is about to happen.

Angel numbers are often associated with the arrival of new opportunities and blessings.

Seeing this number could signal an opportunity at work, where someone you know may offer you guidance, support, and help with your business.

It could mean new customers are coming your way or that an idea that was once considered crazy might just work out brilliantly.

This angel number might also signify that you’re about to receive some spiritual encouragement so don’t give up hope.

Usually, angel numbers aren’t bad signs per se. The worst that can happen is that they are encouraging you to make a change, and you don’t.

What happens then?

Well, nothing. You probably don’t grow as quickly as you potentially could have, but that’s all there is to it.

You see, angel numbers are merely guides for your life, you are the one who is in control in the end.

Related angel numbers

If you’ve been seeing angel number 988, you might have come across these other angel numbers, as well:

  • When angel number 611 shows up in your life, there is something important that you need to deal with.
  • Similar to 988, angel number 313 indicates that things in your life are going really well and that there is nothing you need to worry about.
  • Angel number 2727 symbolizes that all worry is useless, your future is in good hands and things will work out for you.
  • When you see angel number 2323 a lot, a big change is coming into your life. Don’t be afraid, you will discover amazing opportunities.
  • Angel number 444 suggests that you are on the verge of a spiritual awakening. This is an exciting time for you!

Conclusion – what to do next?

You have found out a lot about angel number 988 today. Now it’s time to put all that knowledge to good use.

Make sure that you work on letting things go that don’t serve you any longer.

This way, you are opening up the possibility of new opportunities to come into your life.

Stay positive and remember that you are on the right track in life, things will work out for you.

Keep working hard on your dreams and you will reach them.

We’ve covered angel number 988, but if you want to get a completely personalized explanation of this situation and where it’ll lead you in the future, I recommend speaking to the folks over at Psychic Source.

I mentioned them earlier on. When I got a reading from them, I was blown away by how kind and genuinely helpful they were.

Not only can they give you more direction on how you can make the most out of your life with this angel number, but they can advise you on what’s really in store for your future.

Click here to get your own personal reading.

Want to Learn More About Angel Numbers?

Download our free eBook, The Angel Number Handbook: A Spiritual Guide to Unlocking Your Potential, and discover how to connect to your team of guides and become a master decoder of angel numbers. With practical tips and personal stories, you’ll learn how to turn messages from the angels into inspired action and deepen your spiritual journey.

The Angel Number HandbookGet Your Free eBook Now

Ella Stringer

Ella Stringer

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