As the New Moon approaches Capricorn this morning, we choose to put our feelings in the backseat and prioritize the greater good instead. We believe we’re working for something bigger than ourselves, so we put our personal dreams and interests aside to pursue that change we seek to see in the world. We must be careful not to neglect ourselves, our personal relationships, and our own well-being in the pursuit of this bigger change. Remember that your relationships—your partner, friends, and family—are the support system you need to make the change you want to see.
To learn how the moon in capricorn affects your sign, read more below.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Aries, today you’re laser-focused on achieving your career goals as the Moon enters Capricorn this morning. You believe there’s no time for feelings, for love and romance, because you have to focus on achieving your dreams first. But it doesn’t have to be one over the other, Aries. Focusing on your professional life without regard for your personal life will only leave you feeling empty in the end, so foster intimacy in your relationships as you must.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20
Taurus, there’s so many novel things the world has to offer—and you’re never letting the opportunity to explore slip as the Moon approaches Capricorn. You’re learning new things, new cultures, and learning more about people, and the more you learn about them and the red flags they seemingly have, you’re driven farther and farther away. Remember that no one is perfect, Taurus. You just have to know which imperfections you’re willing to love, and if everything is a dealbreaker to you, you’ll never find the love you need.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
When the Moon enters Capricorn today, your fear of intimacy will skyrocket. Every time someone gets too close to you, it makes you feel uncomfortable. If you have a crush, it makes you want to run away every time the need to be vulnerable emerges. Even if you’re in a relationship, letting your guard down when you’re with your partner still feels terrifying. Intimacy truly is scary, Gemini, but if you’re not willing to face that fear, you will never get the love you deserve.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Cancer, today you’re steering yourself away from any intimate relationship because you’re under the belief that you don’t deserve it. You still have so many things to work on yourself. You need to unlearn your unhealthy emotional tendencies, your vicious cycles that always drive you to the wrong people…but you don’t have to be perfect to deserve love, Cancer. Even with all the emotional baggage you have, you’re still worthy of healthy, lasting love.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Leo, there are so many things going on in your life right now that you’re starting to forget to take care of yourself. You give so much of yourself to other people because you only see your worth when you’re of service to others, and then you wonder why you’re so exhausted. And when you’re tired, you feel sad that you don’t have the time and energy for love and for your friends. You have to find your worth and happiness outside of the work you do, Leo, because if that’s your only source of happiness, you will end up empty and exhausted every time.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Virgo, you wholeheartedly believe that romance is a fool’s pursuit, which is why today, you’re dedicating your time to something more productive and meaningful. Even if you’re in a relationship, you don’t like getting all sappy and romantic with your partner because it makes you cringe inside. Your inner skeptic needs to take a backseat, Virgo. Learning to enjoy life also means allowing yourself to believe in romance.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Libra, in your pursuit of making a change in the world, you’re starting to forget about your family. And not just your blood family—your friends, your significant other, and everyone else that makes your life worth living. True, the world needs changing, but you can’t do that all on your own. You need to have a family to fall back on when you stumble, a shoulder to cry on when it’s too much, and people you can come home to when you’re tired. Don’t be so fixated on changing the world that you start forgetting that you also have a life that needs your time and attention.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
Scorpio, today you will flourish in the intellectual conversations you will have. You’re talking about the most abstract ideas with ease and throwing trivias left and right in parties, and you enjoy it. You get such a high from charming people with your intellect, but you refuse to communicate your feelings. By this point, you have to ask yourself: are you unable to say what you feel, or unwilling to be vulnerable? Because vulnerability is an important component of true love, Scorpio. Your relationships will always be hollow if they’re founded solely on intellect.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Sagittarius, you put great value in financial stability, which is why you’re getting your finances in order today. You know you can sometimes be a big spender, so now you’re trying to learn more about how to save for the rainy days. But sometimes, you can also be selfish. You refuse to help even your loved ones, because you believe it’s better to save for your own needs than to pretend you have the resources to help others. But you’ve got to help when you can, Sagittarius. Don’t put your selfishness under the guise of self-care when you actively refuse to help.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
The full Moon comes home to your very own first house of the self today, Capricorn, and it validates your need to distance yourself from others, because their feelings are too much to handle above your own. You’ve never been good with handling big, complicated emotions, so when someone is affectionate toward you, you don’t know how to handle it. You need to unlearn the belief that emotions are an inconvenience, Capricorn, because they’re not. It’s important that you let yourself feel them, because that’s how you allow yourself to be human.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Aquarius, today the Full Moon in Capricorn urges you to heal your inner child. To look inside of you and learn your unhealthy patterns, vicious emotional cycles, and the trauma you’ve accumulated growing up. But it’s so uncomfortable. You just want to run away and hide from the rest of the world, so you can be comfortable in all your emotional baggage that you refuse to unload. You have to face that fear, Aquarius. Loving yourself doesn’t mean coddling your inner child—it also means unloading the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying for decades, so you don’t feel that burden for the years to come.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces, today the Full Moon in Capricorn visits your zone of friendships, and it pushes you to mediate any existing conflict in your friend group. If two of your friends fight, you’re the middleman. Even in your romantic relationship, you choose to compromise your own needs so you can meet halfway with your partner. Don’t ignore your own needs just so you can cater to those of others, Pisces. You’ve got to put yourself first, even with the people you love.